logo de CNIEL

Any personal information that you choose to provide (referred to hereafter as ‘Personal Data’) is collected by CNIEL via the www.franceterredelait.fr website (hereafter as ‘the Site’).


The Personal Data collected from users of the www.franceterredelait.fr site are held by the CNIEL and its subcontractors for the following purposes:

  • Contact forms

Any Personal Data that you provide the CNIEL via the Contact form are used solely for the purpose of processing your request and are retained for a period of 12 months.

  • Forms downloaded via the Terre de Lait Toolbox

Any Personal Data that you provide the CNIEL via the Tool Box download form are used solely for the purpose of processing your request and are retained for a period of 12 months.

  • Subscribing to the France Terre de Lait newsletter

By signing up to the France Terre de Lait newsletter, your Personal Data will be used to send the newsletter to your email address and other information that may interest you such as invitations to exclusive France Terre de Lait events. The Data is passed on to our subcontractors who manage the newsletter on our behalf. You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link at the end of the email.


The CNIEL puts in place a variety of technical and administrative safeguards to protect and safeguard the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data we collect and process, notably to prevent the misrepresentation, damage or unauthorised access and use from third parties. The CNIEL uses a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information.

In accordance with applicable law regarding personal data, you have the right to access, modify, correct and delete your personal data. Your request must be made in writing to the following address: donneespersonnelles@cniel.com.

You can also submit a request to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the French Data Protection Authority.


  1. Functionality cookies

These cookies are necessary to enable a website to function. They are essential for the functionality of the CNIEL websites and to improve the browsing experience. Without them, certain functions of the CNIEL websites may not be available, resulting in a less enjoyable browsing experience for users. They allow users to access the main functionalities of the site and provide a secure connection. They allow direct access to the most relevant sections of the site, possibly using information previously entrusted to the CNIEL by the user. Without cookies, users may not have access to the full website experience and as such are advised against disabling or deleting cookies.

Cookie Name
Technical cookies used for load balancing.
This cookie contains consent information for personalised uses and partners, and information specific to Didomi.
6 months
This cookie contains the IAB TCF consent string and consent information for all the standard IAB vendors and purposes.
6 months
Used to detect if a user has accepted marketing purposes in the consent banner. This cookie is needed for GDPR compliance.
13 months

  1. Performance Cookies

These cookies collect information to help optimise site functionality. By using cookies we can tailor the presentation to suit user preferences and needs, therefore making the site easier to navigate for users.

By rejecting these cookies on the site, users cannot benefit from the functionalities set out above.

Cookie Name
Used to measure bandwidth usage relating to embedded YouTube videos.
179 days
Used to determine optimum video quality based on the user’s device and network settings.
Used to determine optimum video quality based on the user’s device and network settings.
Used to record a unique ID to keep statistics on YouTube videos the user has watched.
Used to record a unique ID to keep statistics on YouTube videos the user has watched.
Used to store user video player preferences regarding embedded YouTube videos.
Used to store user video player preferences regarding embedded YouTube videos.
Used to store user video player preferences regarding embedded YouTube videos.
Used to store user video player preferences regarding embedded YouTube videos.
Used to store user video player preferences regarding embedded YouTube videos.

  1. Audience Measurement Cookies

Audience measurement and analytics cookies allow the CNIEL to understand the usage and performance of its site www.franceterredelait.fr, gather statistics, visitor numbers and use of a range of components (contents, navigation) to improve the relevance and ergonomics of content, such as the most popular pages, sections or articles. These cookies also measure traffic to the site.

For some of these cookies, parts of the IP address are hidden, and the last byte removed. The lifespan of these cookies is limited to 13 months. Deleting or rejecting these cookies does not affect the user’s navigation on the site, but prevents the CNIEL from being able to constantly improve the quality of the services it provides via www.franceterredelait.fr

Cookie Name
Used by Google Analytics - enables the service to distinguish one visitor from another when collecting data on pages visited. This cookie helps identify potential improvements to our site. It does not enable CNIEL to personally identify the user nor retrieve his personal data.
13 months
Used by Google Analytics - enables the service to distinguish one visitor from another when collecting data on pages visited. This cookie helps identify potential improvements to our site. It does not enable CNIEL to personally identify the user nor retrieve his personal data.
24 hr
Cookie used for Google Analytics to throttle request rates.
1 min
Used by Google Analytics4 to identify and track an individual session with your device.
13 months
Used by Matomo to collect and store statistics and assign a unique number to the user to separate and identify the number of visits to the Portal.
13 months
A short-lived cookie used to store statistics on the visit.
30 min
Used by Hotjar to detect the first pageview session of a User.
30 min
Used by Hotjar to determine a first visit by a new user.
30 min
A hotjar cookie that assigns a user ID on first visit and used for future visits.
1 yr
A hotjar cookie set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site’s daily session limit.
2 min
A hotjar cookie set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site’s daily session limit.
2 min
Used by Getsitecontrol and contains anonymous data regarding user and browsing behaviour during the session.
Used by Getsitecontrol and contains anonymous data regarding user and browsing behaviour during session.

4.Advertising cookies

During the user’s browsing experience on its site www.franceterredelait.fr the CNIEL may track user behaviour and/or use advertising cookies to deliver relevant advertising tailored to user interests.  These advertisements can feature on different sites under the CNIEL umbrella, but also other sites that the user may browse. The cookies also limit the number of times a user sees the ad, and also allows the CNIEL to evaluate the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns.

Cookie Name
Assigns a User ID and tracks views of embedded videos on YouTube.
Used by Google DoubleClick to store data on a user's actions on the site after viewing or clicking on one of the advertiser's ads in order to measure performance and be more targeted in advertising.
1 an

Managing cookies

By default, it is assumed that the user rejects the use of cookies and no cookies are used. You can agree to the use of cookies or modify your choice in the Managing Cookies box at the bottom of each page of the site.

In addition, to manage cookies and your choices, every browser is set up differently. It is described in the help menu on your browser, which allows you to know how to change your cookie preferences. For example:

For Internet Explorer™ :http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies
For Safari™ :http://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?viewlocale=fr_FR
For Chrome™:http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
For Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies

Pour Opera™ :http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html