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France Terre de Lait Publications

Here you’ll find all the publications associated with the France Terre de Lait initiative.
Whether you are a professional in the agricultural or agri-food sectors, a partner, entrepreneur, communications expert, journalist or consumer – this space is for you! Below you will find all the France Terre de Lait publications.
Social responsibility reports, brochures, documents or information packs… these documents all share the common objective of making more transparent the issues, challenges and progress of the French dairy sector with regard to the performance indicators of the France Terre de Lait social responsibility approach.




Corporate responsability reports

Rapport RSRapport de responsabilité sociétale de la filière laitière - Edition 2022 (Français)Publication date : 01/12/2022 - pdf - 6 MO
ReportSocial responsibility of the french dairy industry - 2022 edition (English) Publication date : 01/12/2022 - pdf - 6 MO
RapportRapport de responsabilité sociétale de la filière laitière - Edition 2021 (Français) Publication date : 15/12/2021 - pdf - 15 MO
Report Social responsibility of the french dairy industry - 2021 edition (English) Publication date : 15/12/2021 - pdf - 8 MO
RapportRapport de responsabilité societale de la filière laitière - Edition 2020 (Français) Publication date : 20/11/2020 - pdf - 9 MO

Performance indicators

FasciculeFascicule indicateurs de performance édition 2022Publication date : 14/12/2022 - pdf - 775 KO

Information kits

BrochureDossier d'information 2023Publication date : 23/12/2023 - pdf - 17 MO
BrochureDossier d'information 2021Publication date : 27/12/2021 - pdf - 12 MO
BrochureDossier d'information 2020Publication date : 15/12/2020 - pdf - 18 MO

Brochures et information documents

BrochureDictionnaire engagé - France Terre de LaitPublication date : 10/09/2022 - pdf - 868 KO